VTI Instruments Corp.
VTI offers a series of Break-Out-Boxes (BOB) for use with the EMX-4250 and EMX-4251. There
are 8-channel (EMX-4008), 16-channel (EMX-4016 & EMX-4116), and 32-channel (EMX-4032)
versions. The BOBs convert the EMX-4250 micro-D Molex input connector into BNC input
connectors. The shell of the BNC connectors are floating from chassis ground, hence taking
advantage of the pseudo-differential inputs provided by the EMX-425X modules.
Fault LED indicators are also provided on the BOB for each BNC connector. The LEDs are powered
and controlled by the EMX-425X digitizer modules. LEDs will be GREEN during normal operation
and will turn RED if an OPEN or SHORT is detected by the digitizer module when the input is set
to IEPE.
There are two BNC connectors in the rear panel: one for a trigger input and one for a calibration
output. The calibration output is used to calibrate the built-in calibration signals used by the EMX-
425X module to perform self-calibration. The trigger input is used for trigger the digitizer by an
external signal.
Figure 4-28: EMX-4016 & EMX-4008 Break-Out-Box