Eliminate one misbehaviour or teach one obedience command at a time.
Be consistent. Give your dog a tone or stimulation with each misbehaviour. Always use the
warning tone and repeat the command. Only use the correction impulse if the dog does still not
react. This will motivate your dog and result in faster training success.
After a command is successfully executed, you should always reward or encourage your dog.
Your dog will have to get used to the collar; let the dog wear the collar for a few days,
but do not use it so that your pet does not discover the connection with its attachment and
Affirmative and efficient training requires some time: don‘t hurry!
Select a well-known environment your dog is used to.
Choose the right moment to press the stimulation button, only use it when your dog has done
something wrong.
We recommend not to use the electronic training collar with aggressive-tempered
dogs and with dogs with health problems, such as epilepsy, heart problems, etc.