Using the VOSS.miniPET training collar in winter
When using the VOSS.miniPET in winter, please keep in mind:
Low humidity
– causes less skin conductivity. It is necessary to provide better conductivity bet-
ween the electrodes of the receiver and the dog‘s skin. This can be achieved by lubricating the
dog’s skin with Vaseline, baby oil, hand lotion, etc. where the contact points touch it.
Heavier dog’s coat
– it is necessary to tighten the collar so that the permanent contact with the
dog‘s skin is ensured. If the coat is too thick, it is recommended to choose a longer type of contact
Battery properties change
– temperatures below 0 °C slow down chemical reactions in batteries.
To ensure the same performance of the stimulations (especially of higher levels), it is recommen-
ded to insert a new battery into the receiver for the winter time. During the training, observe
continuously dog‘s reactions and increase the stimulation level as needed.
Training tips
The trainer’s elementary knowledge in dog training is the prerequisite for using the training
collar. Do not hesitate to contact a professional trainer for any further advice.
You can start using the collar with
dogs of 6 months
of age who has undergone basic training
and are familiar with basic obedience commands including „sit“, „down“, „stay“ etc.
Find proper intensity level for each dog before use. It is very important to set the correct intensity
level on your unit before beginning your training sessions to provide the appropriate level of
stimulation and avoid over-stimulating your dog.