Group 30 Electrical System—VNL, VNM
Static Dissipative Mat
Make sure the workbench has an anti-static mat which
is grounded to the nearest electrical outlet when working
on electronic equipment such as the instrument cluster.
When working at the anti-static workbench, always keep
a wrist strap connected to the anti-static mat. Note that
the Static dissipative kit shown includes both an anti-static
mat and wrist strap.
Full-Size Type 8501 Static-Dissipative Grounding
Kit, Available from Newark (P/N 46F7444)
Call 1–910–292–7240
Rheostat Removal Tool
The rheostat removal tool is used when removing the dash
rheostat (see
Service Procedures).
Rheostat Removal Tool
Available from Kent-Moore (P/N J-42395)
Call 1-800-328-6657
Window/Mirror Switch Removal Tool
The window/mirror switch removal tool is used to remove
the power window and motor/heated mirror switch con-
nectors (see
Service Procedures).
Window/Mirror Switch Removal Tool
Available from Kent-Moore (P/N J-42396)
Call 1-800-328-6657