Technical Data
Lubrication oil specification
Recommended types of engine oil
Use lubrication oil that meets Class CF standard (recommended engine oil). Class CE and CF-4 engine oils are
designed for diesel fuel with a sulfur content of less than 0,5% and less than 0,2%, respectively. Since the sulfur
content of most Class-A diesel fuel exceeds 0,5%, do not use class CE or CF-4 engine oil when using class-A
diesel fuel
Important! Use of improper or inferior oil can cause excessive wear of bearings and moving parts,
thus shortening the engine life. It can also result in sticking of piston rings and seizing of pistons in the
cylinders, thus causing major damage.
Selection of oil viscosity
Use the following chart to select appropriate oil viscosity according to the ambient temperature. Recommended
oil viscosity is SAE 15W-40 for all seasons.
Important! Excessively high oil viscosity causes power loss and higher oil temperature, while
excessively low oil viscosity results in inadequate lubrication and leakage of combustion gas with
increased wear and reduced output as a result.
Plus d'informations sur : www.dbmoteurs.fr