A number of symptoms and possible causes for engine disturbances are described in the table below. If faults or
hitches arise that you cannot solve alone, you must always get in touch with your Volvo Penta dealer.
NOTE! Dust and foreign particles are the most common cause of excessive wear of parts. When disassembling
a component, take measures to prevent dust and foreign particles from entering it.
WARNING! Read the safety directions for maintenance and service in the chapter “Safety information”
before starting any work.
IMPORTANT! Handle parts carefully. Only use original Volvo Penta spare parts.
Symptoms and possible causes
Starter motor does not rotate when cranking
Starter motor rotates slowly when cranking
Engine does not start
Engine is difficult to start
Engine starts but stops again
Engine does not reach correct operating speed
Engine runs unevenly
Engine knocks
Engine vibrates
Engine can not be stopped
High fuel consumption
Black or dark gray exhaust smoke
Blue or white exhaust smoke
High lubrication oil consumption
Lubrication oil pressure too low
Coolant temperature too high
Coolant temperature too low
No charge or poor charge
1. Defective starter
2. Flat batteries
3. Poor contact/broken cables
4. Main switch turned off
5. Control lever not in neutral/control
position not activated
6. A fuse/circuit breaker has blown/tripped
7. Lack of fuel
8. Blocked fuel filter
9. Defective fuel filter
10. Blocked fuel pipes
11. Defective fuel pipes
12. Blocked fuel supply pump
13. Defective fuel supply pump
14. Blocked fuel injection pump
15. Defective fuel injection pump
16. Blocked fuel injection nozzles
17. Defective fuel injection nozzles
18. Incorrect valve clearance
19. Incorrect fuel injection timing
20. Low compression pressure
21. Improper fuel oil
22. Improper lubrication oil
23. Air in fuel system
24. Water/contamination in fuel
25. Boat abnormally loaded
26. Fouled hull/propeller
27. Engine speed control wrongly adjusted
28. Insufficient air supply
29. Too high coolant temperature
30. Too low coolant temperature
31. Too low lubrication oil level
32. Lubrication oil leakage
33. Worn cylinder liners and/or piston rings
34. Worn valve stem seals
35. Blocked lubrication oil filter
36. Defective/wrong propeller
37. Faulty engine mounting
38. Too low coolant level
39. Air in fresh water system
40. Blocked sea water inlet/pipe/filter
41. Circulation pump drive belt slips
42. Defective cooling water pump
43. Defective/wrong thermostat
44. Too high lubrication oil level
45. Defective lubrication oil pump
46. Defective relief valve
47. Alternator drive belt slips
48. Clutch is engaged
49. Defective bearings or abnormal cylinder
50. Fuel supply pump strainer blocked
51. Very cold engine and lubrication oil
52. Heavy initial load
53. Propeller/propeller shaft blocked
54. Engine consume lubrication oil or combus-
tible gas
55. Cylinder liner have scalings or such that
reduce cooling effect
56. Alternator/Rectifier broken
57. Faulty governor
58. Broken piston
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