VPA 7743722 English 10-2004
Steering System Operation
The steering system for your Volvo Penta sterndrive is
operated by a steering cable connected to the helm.
Restricting movement of the steering cable will limit or
stop the steering system’s hydraulic assist.
Do not interfere with or restrict steering cable move-
ment through the last 90° of bend at the engine. Do
not use cable retainers, clamps, or tie straps. Using
one or all of these could restrict the cable movement
near the engine. Do not tie wiring harnesses or other
control cables to the steering cable. Make sure deck
combing and bulkheads allow for steering cable
If the power steering system stops working, it will feel
harder to steer. If this condition occurs, look for possi-
ble causes and fix them if possible. If the power steer-
ing system cannot be corrected on board, proceed at
a reduced speed. You will be able to steer the boat,
but with increased effort. See your authorized Volvo
Penta dealer as soon as possible to correct your pow-
er steering system.
At slow speeds (no wake), your boat may tend to wan-
der. This is normal and may be overcome by anticipat-
ing bow direction and correcting with steering wheel.
A slightly higher throttle and trim setting may also
lessen the tendency to “wander.” Changing weight
distribution, aft to forward, can also affect slow speed
Twin Unit Steering
Twin engine boats may have only one engine with a
fully operational power steering system. That power
steering system is on the starboard engine; therefore,
when operating on a single engine use the starboard
Using a port engine that does not have a
functional power steering system will cause
an increased effort in steering control, due
to absence of power assist.
Some twin engine boats may have both engine power
steering systems coupled together with a priority
valve. This allows the use of either engine to provide
power assist steering.
7743722 - Downloaded from www.volvopenta.com 13/05/2008 20:17:06