Th e r m a l s h r i n k i n g – c o p p e r e l e c t r o d e – b a l l
17. Thermal shrinking – copper electrode – ball
17.1 Shrinking steel sheets with program 4
To avoid damage to the vehicle electronics, the vehicle’s electrical system must be disconnected from the power
source in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications before using the VAS 6321 A/13!
If the damage to the body part or improper straightening on the body part has resulted in too much material due to over
stretching of the sheets of metal, the excess material must be pulled in by applying heat to specific points – the
VAS 6321 A/13 offers you a variety of tools and options for this purpose.
For your consideration:
In order to achieve a good result when shrinking, make sure that the VAS 6321 A/13 has a secure
ground connection to the vehicle body.
17.2 Shrinking with the copper electrode – ball
Select whether the shrinking process is to be triggered automatically or manually – in automatic mode, select the MultiTool
without button (C1-04) and the AUTO socket on the PS.
Please note:
The MultiTool can get very hot during intensive shrinking – we recommend the optionally available special
MultiTool for shrinking (C1-17) in this case.
Plug the copper electrode – ball (CBR-U-B12) into the MultiTool and select program 4 (button 8) on the PS.
You can select whether you want to heat (shrink) the sheet metal with continuous current or three pulses by pressing the
PULSE key on the PS (button 4).
The shrinking process starts automatically when you press the electrode onto the bare body panel and roll it over - do not pull
the electrode off again until the PS has switched off.
In manual mode, you need the MultiTool with switch (C1-06) and the MANUAL socket on the PS – the control cable must also
be plugged into the PS for this application.
Plug the copper electrode – ball (CBR-U-B12) into the MultiTool and select program 4 (button 8) on the PS.
By pressing the Pulse button (button 4), you can select whether you want to heat (shrink) the sheet metal with continuous
current, or by pulsing three times.
The shrinking process starts when you press the electrode onto the bare body panel, push the button on the MultiTool and roll
the electrode over the panel - do not pull the electrode off again until the PS has switched off.