B i t C u t t e r & r e c u t t i n g b i t s
10. BitCutter & recutting bits
10.1 The BitCutter and how it is used
The BitCutter is used to cut bits that have already been welded on several times, in order to obtain a defined geometry of
the bit tip and to be able to use the same length of bits. Straight bits can be cut to length up to 10 times and rotated bits up
to 7 times.
To cut the bits to length, proceed as follows:
Clamp the bit cutter with the lower, solid end in a vise. Make sure that the waste opening at the bottom is exposed.
Connect the compressed air hose (5-8 bar).
Adjust the stop to the desired dimension – always start with position 1 for uncut bits – ensure that the stop snaps back
into place after twisting.
Insert straight bits flat, rotated bits on edge and hold against stop.
Push the operating lever and remove the recut bit.
To recut the PowerBits (MB-4 rotated, MB-5 straight), the BitCutter must be converted with the CM-024-3
conversion kit.
You should store the recut bits on the wire rings provided.
This ensures that bits of the same length are always available.
Please note:
The BitCutter must be oiled regularly, and the cutting head must be checked regularly to ensure that it is firmly
seated in the pressure cylinder: tighten if necessary.
It is advised that the cut bits should be stored on the rings
provided in order of their length.
Conversion kit for cutting PowerBits