If lightweight items such as loose pieces of paper or items hung from the interior mirror are left in
the vehicle.
If there is a mobile phone in the vehicle with the vibration alarm switched on.
Permanent deactivation of interior monitoring and the anti-tow alarm is not possible.
If doors or the boot lid are still open when the anti-theft alarm is activated, only the anti-theft alarm
will be activated. Interior monitoring and the anti-tow alarm are not activated until all doors and the
boot lid are closed.
SAFELOCK is also deactivated when the interior monitoring and anti-tow alarm are switched off
Boot lid
This chapter contains information on the followingsubjects:
Opening and closing the boot lid
Opening and closing the boot lid electrically
Unlocking the boot lid manually
The boot lid is locked and unlocked at the same time as the doors.
Incorrect and unsupervised unlocking, opening or closing of the boot lid can cause accidents and
serious injuries.
The boot lid should be opened or closed only when you are sure that nobody is in its path.
Always check that the boot lid is closed properly once it has been closed. The closed boot lid must be
flush with the surrounding body panels.
Always keep the boot lid closed while the vehicle is in motion.
Never open the boot lid when loads, e.g. bicycles, are attached to it. The boot lid may close under its
own weight due to the additional load. Support the boot lid as necessary or remove the load from
the boot lid beforehand.