C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 40 of 231
Click on the “Configure” button to set HyperTerminal to operate at 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one
stop bit with no flow control:
The V100 supports most common terminal emulations, such as VT100, VT52, TVI925 and will
automatically detect the emulation in use. When the V100 is powered up with no passwords entered, it
displays the following information:
(This menu may be returned to at any time by entering <CTRL>&<E>). Teletype mode may be entered
at this time by typing <CTRL>&<T> twice (the commands and responses used in teletype mode are
detailed in a separate manual). Once in Teletype mode, the above menu may again be returned to by
entering <CTRL>&<E>. To use the full-screen formatted configuration display, proceed as described