C H A P T E R 3 C O N F I G U R I N G V 1 0 0
V100 Versatile Multiplexer Technical Manual Version 2.2
Page 109 of 231
US ‘S’ PMP, NI-1 ISDN, Manual SPID Entry
The above mode is used if the SPIDs and LDN values are known. The second fields may be left blank
when only the first SPID entry is required. The SPID format is different for both the Switch Types and the
Local Telecom Provider used, and knowledge of this is required before entry. A SPID code is asserted
around the LDN with examples shown above.
All North American SPID codes tend to use this but the SPID entry requires local knowledge of the
network type as well as the switch, ie two different networks using AT&T switches will have different SPID
codes. Example entries might be as follows: NI <nnnxxxxxxx0101> where nnn = 3 digit area code.
xxxxxxx = 7 digit number.
AT&T <01xxxxxxx0>.