Physis Organs
Reference Manual
(STYLES menu)
The Style identifies the setup of the organ stops, meaning the voice and the relative parameters of each stop,
allowing the use of sounds appropriate to the repertoire to be performed.
The many organ styles allow the musician to use several sound configurations, as if several different instruments
were present at the same time in the same place.
The organ has eight Styles, meaning eight sound setups, in the same console. The first four of them, which
from now on we will also call the Presets or preset styles, are programmed by our laboratories on the basis of
the appropriate organ schools, and cannot be modified by the user. The other four Styles, called User styles,
can be freely modified and customised to personal taste, making the organ extremely flexible. Select the
STYLE field on the main page for the Style selection:
As we have already stated, the styles contain the information regarding each register: that is, which stops to
activate and the sound parameters. Again, the first four Styles cannot be modified, so accessing to the VOICES
function the display shows the following warning message:
However it is possible to display and check the settings of these Styles, to continue press any display button
or wait about three seconds.
Please note that in general and divisional combinations, only the state of the stops is saved, and
NOT which voice they activate. Selecting a style might change the voices recalled by the stops, and
therefore a combination may activate stops which were not saved as ‘active’. It is a good practice to
always remember which style was active when saving a combination.