Chapter 3 Profibus DP
Manual VIPA System 300V
HB130E - IM - Rev. 08/26
IM 353-1DP01 - DP-V1 slave - Diagnostic functions
Profibus DP provides an extensive set of diagnostic functions for quick
error localization. Diagnostic messages are transferred via the bus and
collected by the master.
At the DP-V1 the device related diagnostic has been improved as further
function and is subdivided into the categories interrupts and status
Additionally in the DP-V1 slave from VIPA the last 100 interrupt messages
are stored in a RAM res. in the flash with a time stamp and may be
evaluated with a software.
For this, please call the VIPA hotline!
In addition you can access diagnostic data using the DP-V1 services.
At DP-V0 and DP-V1 there are identical diagnostic structure and behavior.
The only difference consists of the fact that with employment in a system
300 with a hardware interrupt at DP-V0 the OB 82 and with DP-V1 the
OB 40 is called.
The system also stores diagnostic messages like the states "Ready" res.
"DataExchange" that are not passed on to the master.
With every status change between "Ready" and "DataExchange" the
Profibus slave stores the diagnostic-RAM content in a Flash-ROM and
writes it back to the RAM at every reboot.
With the short setting of 00 at the address lever you may save the
diagnostic data in the Flash-ROM during "DataExchange".
At voltage failure res. decreasing voltage a time stamp is stored in the
EEPROM. If enough voltage is still left, a diagnostic output to the master
At the next reboot an undervoltage/shut-down diagnostic message is
generated from the time stamp of the EEPROMs and is stored in the
DP-V0 and DP-V1
Internal diagnostic
system messages
Manual storage of
diagnostic data
messages at
voltage failure