Chapter 4 CANopen
Manual VIPA System 300V
HB130E - IM - Rev. 08/26
0x05030000 //Toggle bit not alternated
0x05040000 //SDO protocol timed out
0x05040001 //Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown
0x05040002 //Invalid block size (block mode only)
0x05040003 //Invalid sequence number (block mode only)
0x05040004 //CRC error (block mode only)
0x05040005 //Out of memory
0x06010000 //Unsupported access to an object
0x06010001 //Attempt to read a write only object
0x06010002 //Attempt to write a read only object
0x06020000 //Object does not exist in the object dictionary
0x06040041 //Object cannot be mapped to the PDO
0x06040042 //The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed
PDO length
0x06040043 //General parameter incompatibility reason
0x06040047 //General internal incompatibility in the device
0x06060000 //Access failed due to an hardware error
0x06070010 //Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not
0x06070012 //Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
0x06070013 //Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
0x06090011 //Sub-index does not exist
0x06090030 //Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)
0x06090031 //Value of parameter written too high
0x06090032 //Value of parameter written too low
0x06090036 //Maximum value is less than minimum value
0x08000000 //general error
0x08000020 //Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
0x08000021 //Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of
local control
0x08000022 //Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of
the present device state
0x08000023 //Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is
present (e.g. object dictionary is generated
from file and generation fails because of an file error)
SDO Abort Codes