Power cable
■ Run power cable
to the heat pump
outside the building in a KG conduit
DN 100.
■ Cable length required in the heat pump
from top edge of foundation: Min.
0.7 m
■ Observe the regulations imposed by
your local power supply utility.
Connecting cables
Route prepared connecting cables (con-
trol cable 230 V~, LV lead < 42 V)
outside the building in a KG conduit
DN 100. Protect the plugs at the ends of
the cables from dirt and damage (e.g.
with bubble wrap).
Cable length required in the heat pump
from top edge of foundation
■ Control cable 230 V~: Min. 0.9 m
■ LV cable < 42 V: Min. 0.7 m
Routing KG conduits
■ Provide a wire pull for the cables (
■ To facilitate the routing of cables D
through the KG conduit, avoid 90°
bends; instead use 3 x 30° or 2 x 45°.
■ Route the KG conduit with a slope
towards the heat pump and fit a con-
densate drain if required.
■ Ensure that wall ducts
are mois-
ture-proof and waterproof.
■ Seal the apertures of the KG conduit
so that no animals or moisture can
enter the building.
Preparing for installation
Siting requirements
5516 436 GB