XX028-06-00 Rev 1002 Surveyor4 Fixed-Position Camera Dome
Camera/Lens Positioning
The camera position can be adjusted in four axes, horizontally (pan), vertically (tilt), vertical height of the
camera/lens assembly in the enclosure and rotation about the lens axis (roll). Rotate the camera/lens assembly
on the camera mounting (L) bracket to adjust the pan position; swivel the assembly for tilt position. The vertical
height of the camera/lens assembly can be adjusted by loosening the lock nut, changing the vertical position of
the camera mounting bracket within the slot in the mounting bracket and retightening the nut. The picture may
be “squared up” by rotating the camera about its own axis up to 360° (roll adjustment).
After all adjustments are made, be sure to tighten all bracket screws.
Final Installation
When the camera and lens adjustments are complete, the lower dome assembly can be installed. Refer to
Figure 7. Lift the shroud/lower dome/trim ring assembly up to the installed enclosure and align the molded tabs
inside the shroud with the pan arm on the camera mounting bracket. This keeps the shroud in place and allows
it to rotate with the camera/lens assembly. Align the three molded tabs on the trim ring with the recesses on the
inner enclosure. Press the trim ring into the enclosure and verify that it snaps into place. The upper edge of the
trim ring should be flush with the ceiling plane.
Figure 7
Lower Dome Installation