Vicking electronics
Pag. 16
Timemate III setup Ethernet interface
To activate the Ethernet interface setup function on the TIMEmate III:
Press and keep pressing the F1 key on the keyboard, then press and release the reset button.
If the text ‘
Searching for Ethernet interface
’ appears you can release the F1 key.
If this text doesn’t disappear after 10sec, the Ethernet interface is not responding, check
following steps:
Are the DIP switches set to Ethernet operation ?
Is an Ethernet interface present and is it plugged in OK ?
Do any LED’s light up on the Ethernet interface ?
Does the Ethernet interface work in another TIMEmate ?
Does the processor board work in another TIMEmate ?
To leave the Ethernet interface setup screen press the reset button.
If everything is OK this main menu appears:
For the Ethernet setup the keyboard of the TIMEmate is defined like this:
Some questions require the input of hexadecimal numbers or a Y or N answer. See the drawings
above for a the keyboard mapping of the A,B,C,D,E,F,Y,N letters.
Press the ENTER key to confirm your input.
If you reset the TIMEmate before doing ‘9 SAVE CHANGES’ all changes are lost and the old
settings will be used.
To check if you entered the data correctly before doing ‘9 SAVE CHANGES’ go back to the
‘server config’ or ‘channel config’ and walk through the settings list by only pressing ENTER.
The Ethernet interface settings can later be changed remotely with a Telnet connection to port
9999. For example type this in a dosbox TELNET 9999
The ‘Ethernet interface setup’ mode is actually a simple terminal emulation, key presses are
send on serial port 1 and data received from port 1 is displayed on the LCD display.
After you press 9 (
exit and save changes
) or 8 (
exit without saving
) in the main menu,
the ethernet interface will go into normal communication mode (observe the LED’s), if you now
send data to the TIMEmate you will see the communication commands on the LCD display.
You communication software will time-out because the TIMEmate doesn’t react to the