Vicking electronics
Pag. 14
The Real Time Clock can be set in this menu.
Enter in the date and time is this order, Year Month Day Hour Minutes Seconds,
all with a 2 digit number.
The Real Time Clock is not used by the WORKtime the time is constantly updated by the
Main communication port 1 settings
Set the baudrate for serial port 1 (the communication port to the computer)
The ethernet interface also talks to the TIMEmate through this serial port. So the Ethernet
interface must be set to the same baudrate.
Extra communication port 2 settings
Set the baudrate,bits and parity for the extra serial port.
This port can be used to connect printers, special card readers and other serial devices to
the TIMEmate.
Daylight saving time mode.
Is not used by the WORKtime.
Save new setup to flash memory.
Stores the setup parameters permanently into flash memory.
You must press enter in this menu item for the parameter you changed to take effect.
2=Selftest menu.
By pressing the up arrow go to the next menu item.
By pressing the down arrow go to the previous menu item.
By pressing enter you start the selected test.
By pressing the backspace key you exit this menu or the current test.
Barcode and Prox. reader test
When reading barcodes the type of barcode is show and the barcode data.
Also when barcode data is received but can not be decoded a BAD SCAN or DECODE
ERROR is shown, this is useful to test the quality or compatibility of your barcode or barcode
Track 2 magnetic cards or proximity readers with a mag. Stripe interface can be tested.
The received data is shown and which one of the 3 mag stripe 3 ports was used.
Wiegand reader data is a hexadecimal representation of the wiegand bitstream.
The first hex byte represents the amount of bits in the stream.
Example: 1AB81BC4C0 1A means 26 bits of data B81BC4C0 are the data bits.