IPScan Probe 600 User’s Guide
Checking Interval configuration
Define interval that the Slave Probe checks the Master Probe’s status
Select 4. Checking Interval and enter value from 0 to 1440 seconds. Default interval is 10 sec.
> Select a Number : 3
> Input Take-Over Checking Interval (5 ~ 1440 sec) : 10
Waiting Time configuration
[Checking Interval] and [Waiting Time] are tied together. Slave Probe will constantly check for
Master Probe’s status (interval set at Checking Interval). If Master Probe is not responding to
Slave Probe within [Waiting Time], Slave Probe will take over the Master Probe. the Waiting
Time should be bigger than the Checking Interval.
Select 4. Waiting Time and define value from 0 to 1440 seconds. Default value is 60 seconds.
> Select a Number : 4
> Input Take-Over Waiting Time (10 ~ 1440 sec) : 60
Virtual Serial configuration
Select 5. Virtual Serial and enter ‘0’ to create the virtual serial numbers. The Slave Probe and
the Master Probe shares the serial numbers to communicate each other.
Input Take Over Virtual Serial : 0
1. Active Mode [Master]
2. Slave Agent IP [ :Read Only]
3. Checking Interval [10]
4. Waiting Time [60]
5. Virtual Serial [VSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
6. Probe Login Allow [NO :Read Only]
0. Main Menu
Displays the Take Over status of Master Probe and Slave Probe. Only one of Master or Slave
Probe is allowed to display ‘Yes’ for [Probe Login Allow]. The probe under ‘Yes’ status would
connect to IPScan Server. The other probe will convert to take over standby mode.
This is not something you can define. The value will automatically display as the result of
Sync/Ack communication between Master and Slave Probe.