IPScan Probe 600 User’s Guide
2.10. Take Over
IPScan Probe 600 supports H.A. (high availability) feature to backup the probe in case of any
failure. It is necessary if you want to use two probes (Master Probe and Slave Probe) to
minimize probe downtime.
If Master Probe fails or gets disconnected during the operation, Slave Probe will automatically
take over the Master Probe’s policy, and when the Master Probe is recovered, the Slave Porbe
will be in waiting mode again. The Master Probe and the Slave Probe should be the same
Select 9. [Take Over] from [Main Menu]
Main Menu. Select a number : 9
Select 1. Active Mode. You can choose whether the current Probe is Master or Slave. If you do
not want to use the function, choose [None].
> ACTIVE MODE : None[0] / Master[1] / Slave[2]
Master Agent IP configuration
If the current Probe is the Master Server, select 1 from Active mode, and then select 2. Master
Agent IP to enter the current Probe’s IP address.
> Select a Number : 1
> ACTIVE MODE : None[0] / Master[1] / Slave[2]
> Input Take-Over Active Mode : 2
1. Active Mode [Slave]
2. Master Agent IP []
3. Checking Interval [10]
4. Waiting Time [60]
5. Virtual Serial [0000000000000000000]
6. Probe Login Allow [NO :Read Only]
0. Main Menu
Slave Agent IP configuration
If the current Probe is Slave, select 2 from Active mode. The Slave Agent IP will be shown
automatically when the take over is executed and the Slave Probe is logged on.
> Select a Number : 1
> ACTIVE MODE : None[0] / Master[1] / Slave[2]
> Input Take-Over Active Mode : 1
1. Active Mode [Master]
2. Slave Agent IP [ :Read Only]
3. Checking Interval [10]
4. Waiting Time [60]
5. Virtual Serial [0000000000000000000]
6. Probe Login Allow [NO :Read Only]
0. Main Menu