IPScan Probe 600 User’s Guide
2.8. System Status
It shows the system status information of the Probe. This information is changed or configured by selecting
functions and options from the Probe as well as the IPScan Server and the Console.
Select 7. [System Status] from [Main Menu].
No Menu
Elapsed Time
The duration which the probe has been running since the
last restart.
Module 0 Server IP
IP address of IPScan Server.
The duration which the probe and the server has been
connecting successfully.
F/W Version
Probe’s firmware version.
System Type
Probe’s system type.
1 System
H/W Type
Probe’s hardware type.
Speed Info
Ethernet speed of the connected port.
Duplex Info
Ethernet port’s full or half duplex information.
2. Negotiation
Auto-Nego Info
Speed auto negotiation information.
3. Module
IP Range
IP range(s) being managed by the probe and its Static or DHCP info.
IP address of IPScan Probe and VLAN ID info.
Ethernet Port info of IPScan Probe (Port =0)
Status of probe level policies.
OOR Block Mode
Automatically block [Off range IP] (ON/OFF)
IP Secure Mode
[New IP blocking] mode (ON/OFF)
MAC Secure Mode
[New MAC blocking-probe] (ON/OFF)
G_MAC Secure Mode
[New MAC blocking-server] (ON/OFF)
Safety Mode
[Safety mode] (ON/OFF)
IP Manage Mode
[Manage Available IP] (ON/OFF)
Port Scan Mode
[Port Scan] in use (ON/OFF)
SNMP Manage Mode
[SNMP Port Monitoring] in use (ON/OFF)
SNMP AutoBK Mode
[SNMP Port Monitoring] is turned on and [SNMP Port
Blocking ] in use (ON/OFF)
OFDIP Block Mode
[Automatically Block Expired IP] (ON/OFF)
OFDMAC Blcok Mode
[Automatically Block Expired MAC (Probe)] (ON/OFF)
OFDMAC Group Mode
[Automatically Block Expire MAC (Server)] (ON/OFF)
*DHCP Active Mode
[DHCP server] function in use (ON/OFF)
*G_MAC Secu[D] Mode
[New MAC blocking-server] in use (ON/OFF)
*MAC Secu[D] Mode
[New MAC blocking-probe] in use (ON/OFF)
*IP Assign[D] Mode
If Temporary IP is on from [New MAC Blocking] = Temp
IP. If BLOCK is on from [New MAC Blocking] = [Block ]
4 System
*Block S_IP[D] Mode
[Automatically Block Static IP] under DHCP pool ranges
1. Port Scan Mode is on when it is defined in use from [Server Configuratio] of the Server, and the [Port Scan]
policy is applied from the Console.
2. SNMP Manage Modeis on when it is defined in use from [Server Configuration] from the Server, and the
[Swith Port Monitoring Configuration] is executed.
* Modes are shown when [DHCP Server] is defined in use from the Server.