Board Features
EPM-19 Hardware Reference Manual
If your application requires a custom cable, the following information will be useful:
19 Board Connector
Mating Connector
Molex 501331-0207
Molex 501330-0200
Battery Saver Jumper
The EPM-19 includes a “Battery Saver” jumper at location V4. This jumper keeps the Lithium
battery from discharging (keeping it disconnected) before the EPM-19 board is in the customer’s
hands and ready to be used. The default configuration of the jumper is a no-connect position
(placed only on pin 1). Figure 11 shows the location of the V4 Battery Saver Jumper.
Table 6: Battery Saver Jumper Truth Table
V4 Jumper Position
Pin 1 only (default)
Battery is disconnected
(not discharging)
Pin 1-2
Battery is connected
Figure 11. Location of the V4 Battery Saver Jumper