VC4000 Manual
GPS speed in MPH or KPH if in Metric mode
Latitude in degrees, minutes.seconds
Longitude in degrees, minutes.seconds
GPS quality. 0 = no fix, 1 = non-differential, 2 =
differential (WAAS), 6 = estimated
Number of satellites in use
Absolute position accuracy in Meters
Altitude in Meters
Crash mode is similar to Braking mode except some setup
items are changed for the test. In this mode the VC4000PC saves
the data prior to the crash incident, at least one second if all 10 extra
OBDII sensors are turned on and more time will be captured if less
OBDII sensors are turned on. A crash incident is defined as X axis
acceleration of 4xG-Threshold or greater. Default will be ±0.800
since the default G-Threshold is 0.200G. The VC4000PC will
continue to store data until the car has been at a stop for 2 seconds,
with a maximum record time of 30 seconds. The 3 accelerometers
must not have acceleration values change by more than 0.150G for
2 seconds for the run to end, or it will record to the 30 second max
time. You could press any key to stop the recording and it will retain
the data stored so far.
Mounting considerations
Remove the single mounting bracket and mount the VC4000PC to a
solid plate or object. The optional side pins hardware and base plate
may be used for a more solid mount.
Crash mode changes setup during the test to the following:
Pitch/roll factors = 0
G Range = 6g
Sample rate = 1000
GPS port = port 1
G-Threshold = 4xG-Threshold up to 4G
Extra OBDII sensors limit is 10 since the sample rate is changed to
1000. GPS start speed is recorded when the VC4000PC is activated
at the 4xG-Threshold
and shown in Profile on the “Header…” tab.
GPS speed every 5Hz can be turned off using setup.
Crash Mode (PC)