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Veo Europe_VIPN-2xxx Observer Plus_UserManual rev1.0 EN
12. Hardware Reset Function
Use Pin to push Reset button hole 10 sec, the
Camera will reset , mean is all setup value back
to the factory default.
When you want to reset camera, the camera must be
powered on.
13. Accessing Observer Plus over the Internet
If your home or business LAN is connected to the Internet through a high speed
(broadband) Internet connection, with at least 128 kbps upload bandwidth, you can
access your camera via the web browser from anywhere on the Internet. To do this
you would need to:
1. Know your WAN (Internet) IP address. This is the IP address that your Internet
Service Provider provides you to access the Internet. It may be static (always
the same) or dynamic (can change from time to time).
2. Make sure the two ports used by the camera (80 & 1600) are forwarded by your
router or gateway to the camera.
3. Make sure your camera default gateway is set to the LAN (local) IP address of
your router/gateway.