VEMCO – VR4-UWM Manual
Enter a description of the study in the Study Configuration window. The station name is optional and can be
selected from a list of existing stations (if a database is open) or by simply typing in the “Station Name” line to
create a new station. If this station is a fixed position, then click a check mark in the “Fixed Station Position”
box and enter the latitude and Longitude. If the fixed location information is already entered for an existing
station, then the lat/long data will appear as soon as the station name is selected from the drop-down list.
Select Fix Station to
enter the lat/long
location of the
Enter a description
for this study.
Select or enter a station
name –
make sure
each location’s name is
Advanced Settings
(see section 6.1)
include changing the
map and blanking
interval, and
enabling password
Click OK to put the VR4-UWM in Recorder Mode
and begin the study.
Create a new station by
entering the name in
the Station Name line.
Make sure the
frequency you are
working with is checked
or the VR4-UWM will
not be “listening” for
your tags.
Select one of the three options displayed.
when data stored in the VR4-UWM has already been
offloaded and you wish to erase the data and begin a new study.
when the data has not been offloaded from the
VR4-UWM or if there is any uncertainty about the data being
: when you wish to continue the study that is currently
running in the VR4-UWM receiver. No changes to the study will
be made.
Initializing the VR4-UWM will erase
the receiver’s memory.
all detection logs before the
VR4-UWM is initialized.
Verify the receiver you are communicating
with is
the intended unit
, particularly before
initializing and erasing receiver memory files, or data
could be lost. Bluetooth communication can occur
with any
wireless technology activated
VEMCO receiver within range.
Incorrectly changing the Advanced
Settings can prevent the VR4-UWM
from hearing your tags. Only do so
under VEMCO’s direction.
How do I know the VR4-UWM is recording?
Watch the Status Light. Two quick, bright
flashes every 5 seconds indicate the VR4-UWM
is in Record Mode.