VDSL2 uses the same parameter and when implemented, an INP value between 2 and 16 can correct errors
from noise impulses ranging from 250µs to 3.75ms in length.
INP is a key feature in most IPTV video deployments and enables better Video QOS by minimizing the
effects of Impulse Noise.
The INP value for the interleaved channel can be set by the user and is expressed in symbols. For example,
an INP value of 1 means that 1 symbol can be corrected i.e. a burst of noise for 1 symbol duration can be
corrected without errors. One symbol equals 250 µs, therefore an INP of 1 correlates to a correction time of
250 µs.
The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) or interleave depth is defined by the S and D parameters where;
S is the Interleave DMT symbols per FEC code word (1,2,4,8,16)
D is the Interleave depth (1,2,4,8,16,32,64)
Interleave delay can vary from 4.25 to 263.75 msec
The graphic below shows various Impulse Noise Sources
VDSL/ADSL CO Mode - Bandplan Setup:
In Page # 4 of 4, Bandplans can be selected (available in VDSL2 mode only)
BX100V CO Setup - Bandplans
BX100V CO setup Bandplan selection
BX100A/V e-Manual D07-00-001 Rev E01
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