VDSL mode:
Enables Infineon/Aware mode.
Efforts to standardize VDSL got underway in 1995 with the ITU, ETSI and ANSI (T1E1.4) organizations each conducting
simultaneous projects. The adoption/ratification of the standard was hampered by the choice of two competing line-code
technologies i.e. using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM); and discrete Multitone (DMT). As a result, proprietary
implementations of VDSL-QAM and VDSL-DMT were developed and deployed in limited volumes in a few markets. VDSL1
supports a bandwidth of up to 12MHz. The physical reach of VDSL1 is limited to around 1500m on 0.4mm cable.
VDSL2 mode:
Enables Infineon/Aware VDSL2 mode.
Frequency configuration options of 8.5 MHz, 12 MHz, 17.7 MHz and 30 MHz are set automatically depending on DSLAM settings.
VDSL2 backgrounder
Based on inputs from the ANSI and ETSI standards, ITU drafted the VDSL2 standard (G.993.2) in 2004 and
it was approved in May 2005. The underlying modulation in the VDSL2 standard is discrete Multitone (DMT)
and is based on both the VDSL1-DMT and ADSL2/ADSL2+ recommendations. As a result, it is spectrally
compatible with existing services and enables very important multimode operability with ADSL/2/+.
VDSL2 is designed to support a wide deployment of Triple Play services and permits the transmission of
asymmetric and symmetric data rates up to 200 Mbit/s. The bandwidth can be extended to 30MHz however
VDSL2 uses the same band plans below 12MHz to be spectrally compatible with VDSL1. The physical reach
of VDSL2 can be extended to around 2400m on 0.4mm cable.
Enables Conexant VDSL mode.
Supports and improves interoperability with Conexant chipset based VDSL1 DSLAMs using DMT modulation.
Enables Conexant VDSL2 mode.
Supports Conexant based VDSL2 DSLAMs using DMT modulation. Bandplan configuration options of 8.5 MHz, 12 MHz, 17.7 MHz
and 30 MHz are set automatically depending on DSLAM and operator settings.
Enables Ikanos VDSL mode.
Supports Ikanos based VDSL1 DSLAMs using DMT modulation.
: Enables Ikanos VDSL mode.
Supports Ikanos chipset based VDSL2 DSLAMs using DMT modulation. Bandplan configuration options of 8.5 MHz, 12 MHz, 17.7
MHz and 30 MHz are set automatically depending on DSLAM and operator settings.
VDSL interoperability:
Initial VDSL standards were never fully adopted by the market due to disagreements during the
standardization phase regarding the modulation scheme (DTM or QAM) and packet technology (ATM or
Ethernet) to be used. Even though interoperability testing of VDSL2 is a top priority of chipset and equipment
vendors, experience from working with ADSL indicates that it might take a a few years to reach full
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