Press the CONFIG button.
Select Radio settings and then DAB
The following options are available in
the configuration menu:
■ Auto ensemble linking: with this
function activated, the device
switches over to the same service
(programme) on another DAB
ensemble (frequency, if available)
when the DAB signal is too weak to
be picked up by the receiver.
■ Auto linking DAB-FM: with this
function activated, the device
switches over to a corresponding
FM station of the active DAB
service (if available) when the DAB
signal is too weak to be picked up
by the receiver.
■ Dynamic audio adaption: with this
function activated, the dynamic
range of the DAB signal is reduced.
That means the level of the loud
sounds is reduced, but not the level
of the quiet sounds. Therefore the
volume of the Infotainment system
can be raised to a point where the
quiet sounds are audible, without
the loud sounds being too loud.
■ Frequency band: after selection of
this option it can be defined which
DAB wavebands are to be received
by the Infotainment system.