Connecting a mobile phone as
a handsfree device
Select Add device (Handsfree). The
Bluetooth code to be entered into the
mobile phone is displayed.
The Phone portal can now be
detected by other Bluetooth devices.
As soon as the mobile phone has
detected the Phone portal the
Bluetooth code can be entered on the
mobile phone.
As soon as the Phone portal has
detected the mobile phone, the
connection set-up can be confirmed.
The mobile phone is adopted in the
device list and can be operated via
the Phone portal.
Changing the Bluetooth code
(only relevant for handsfree mode)
The first time a Bluetooth connection
to the Phone portal is set up, a default
code is displayed. This default code
can be changed at any time. For
security reasons a four-digit and
randomly selected code must be
used for pairing devices.
Select Change Bluetooth code. On
the menu displayed, edit the actual
Bluetooth code and accept the
modified code using OK.
Connecting a mobile phone via SIM
Access Profile (SAP)
Select Add SIM access device
(SAP). The mobile portal scans for
available devices and displays a list
of devices found.
The mobile phone must have
Bluetooth activated and be set to