A list of the most recently used
destination addresses is displayed.
Select the desired destination.
The Navigation menu is displayed.
Starting route guidance
Select Start navigation to start route
guidance to the displayed address.
Description on route guidance, see
section "Guidance"
Storing the address
Select Store if you want to store the
displayed address in the address
book or myPOIs memory.
The Store menu is displayed, see
"Storing an address in the address
book or myPOIs memory" below.
Selecting an address stored in
the myPOIs memory
Press the DEST button and then
select myPOIs to open the menu
shown below.
The option Imported POIs is only
selectable if points of interest
(address) data were downloaded
from a USB drive, see "Exporting
and importing POI data" in section
"Usage" above.
Select the desired option. A menu
with various sorting options is
The sorting options determine in
which order the addresses of the
individual/imported points of interest
will be displayed later.
Select the desired sorting option.
A menu with the currently available
points of interest categories is