• Lower energy consumption.
• Reduction of torque oscillations (vibrations) for smoother and more regular operation throughout the
frequency range and lower system noise.
• Lower mechanical stress on the motor, pump and hydraulic system.
FOC control of FOC-ready devices may be used with:
• Asynchronous three-phase motors
• Permanent magnet three-phase synchronous motors
The control is sensorless, i.e. not requiring the use of any sensors.
9.4.2. Calibration of the FOC control
To enable the device to perform FOC control, it is necessary to:
1. Perform all system wiring. Connect the load (pump) to the inverter with a cable of appropriate length
and possible presence of a dV/dt or sinusoidal filter.
2. Power the system and follow the initial configuration procedure by specifying:
a. Motor type: three-phase asynchronous or permanent magnet synchronous.
b. Rated voltage of the motor.
c. Rated frequency of the motor.
d. Rated current of the motor increased by 5%.
3. Perform the Auto tuning process to allow the inverter to learn the electrical information of the load
connected to it (motor, cable and any filter). The calibration process can take up to one minute.
4. Wait for the calibration process to complete successfully.
The calibration process can take up to one minute. Wait until it has completed.
The calibration process must be performed during the final electrical configuration of the
system, i.e. with the motor, the cable and any filter applied.
If a change is made to the motor, cable or filter applied, the calibration process must be
An incorrect configuration of the motor's rated voltage, frequency or current will lead to
erroneous results in the calibration process and therefore to a malfunctioning of the mo-
Setting the motor rated current too high compared to the plate data may seriously dam-
age both the motor and the inverter. Setting an excessive nominal current, compared to
the plate, may seriously damage both the motor and the inverter.