To import a 3D model, click on the Import icon. In the dialogue box that appears,
navigate to the directory where the model is saved, select the model and Open.
Multiple files can be imported in at the same time to tray up multiple models on one
print tray.
Accepted mesh file formats:
Importing a model within Trifecta™ Software
There are two ways to import a file into the Trifecta Software:
A) Import a file directly from Trifecta Software.
B) Launch Trifecta module from the main screen of the VariQuest Software.
1) Open VariQuest Design Center Software 5.0
2) Select Trifecta module
3) Browse to file location
4) Select file
5) The file will launch the Trifecta Software and place object on the bed.
Importing and Printing a Model