1. I
15 Jan 98
Recommended Safety Practices
This section describes the various types of safety factors to be considered
while installing and operating VL2 luminaires.
Equipment High Voltage
All components of the Series 200 and 300 systems use high voltage to
operate. These voltages can produce death on contact. When working
around or within powered components and cables, extreme caution must be
used. When conditions permit, maintenance should be performed with
power off.
Luminaire Hanging
Safety is the prime consideration when hanging luminaires. Safety far
outweighs any concern about operator convenience, speed of load-in or
load-out, or ease of changing-out luminaires when the truss is in the air.
The first consideration must be whether the truss or pipe can safely support
the weight of the luminaires and repeaters. The second consideration must
be whether the luminaires are securely attached so they cannot possibly
come off the truss or pipe (even if the truss goes 90
from horizontal due
to a failure of the chain motor or fly system). In addition to mounting
hooks, all truss-mounted equipment are provided with a safety cable to
prevent the equipment from falling off the truss. The safety cable is
connected to the equipment's base, looped around the truss, and then
reattached to the equipment base. The cable should be wound tightly,
leaving as little slack as possible.
Lamp Handling
Due to the use of high power lamps (bulbs) in all VL2 luminaires, the heat
of the luminaire head can reach temperatures of around 400
F when the
lamp is lit. To aid in the airflow circulation within the luminaires, after
dousing the lamps, wait ten minutes before removing power to the
luminaires. This will provide enough time for the equipment fan to cool off
the unit, which will increase lamp life.