8s8PP-1 r1 06/23/11
Repeat the previous step with the F-824-L-1 Aft Side Skin.
Cleco the F-808-1 Bulkhead Assembly in place on the F-818-L-1 & -R-1 Baggage Rib Assemblies and the F-
824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins.
Cleco the F-809 & F-810 Bulkhead Assemblies in place on the F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins.
Final-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes common between the aft flange of the F-818-L-1 & -R-1 Baggage Rib Assemblies
and the F-808-1 Bulkhead Assembly.
Cleco the F-828-1 Aft Bottom Skin in place on the F-811-1 Bulkhead Assembly and F-812-1 Bulkhead Assem-
bly (See “Side View and Bottom View”, DWG 74). Cleco the sides of the aft bottom skin to the Lower
Longerons, and F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins
. NOTE: The side edges of the aft bottom skin are sand-
wiched between the F-889-L-1 & -R-1 Lower Longerons and the F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins. The fwd
edge of the aft bottom skin is sandwiched between the F-842-1 Aft Bottom Skin Fwd, and the F-810-1
Bulkhead Assembly.
Uncleco the aft portion of the F-826-1 Right Center Bottom Skin and F-827-1 Left Center Bottom Skin.
Cleco the F-842-1 Aft Bottom Skin, Fwd in place on the bottom of the tail cone portion of the fuselage (See
“Side View and Bottom View”, DWG 74)
. NOTE: The fwd edge of the aft bottom skin fwd, is sandwiched
between the F-807-1 Bulkhead Assembly and the F-826-1 Aft Center Bottom Skin or F-827-1 Aft Center
Bottom Skin, and the wrap around portion of the left and right F-823-1 Mid Side Skins. The side edges
of the aft bottom skin, fwd are sandwiched between the F-889-L-1 & -R-1 Lower longerons and the F-
824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins.
Slip the fwd end of the aft bottom skin fwd in place first. Then tilt the aft end of
the aft bottom skin fwd, up and cleco one hole at the F-810-1 Bulkhead Assembly to hold it up while you adjust
its alignment on the fuselage.
Uncleco the upper 6 inches of the left and right F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins, F-823-1 Mid Side Skins, and
F-824-L-1 & -R-1 Aft Side Skins to allow them to be pealed back for inserting the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper
Insert the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons into place on the fuselage assembly. If either of the upper
longerons does not lie in their proper position without being forced, it should be removed, and bent or twisted
until it correctly matches the diagrams on DWG 66.
NOTE: Because of the heavy material thickness, the
flange ends on the center section bulkheads do not always form entirely. Check that the outboard
sides of the upper longerons are flush with the outboard surface of the left and right F-804H-1 Center
Section Side Plates. If they are not, reform the upper portion of the flange as needed.
Re cleco the upper portion of all the skins to capture the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons in place.
Smooth and deburr the two F-804N-1 Bulkhead Caps and the F-816A-L-1 & -R-1 Cockpit Rails (See “Left Cock-
pit Rail”, DWG 72).
Cleco the two F-804N-1 Bulkhead Caps in place on the fwd and aft center section bulkheads (Left Cockpit Rail
view, DWG 72).
Cleco the F-816A-L-1 & -R-1 Cockpit Rails in place. Put clecos in each of the six holes that are common with
the top flange on the left and right center section fwd and aft bulkheads (Left Cockpit Rail view, DWG 72).
Adjust the position of the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper longerons so that the forward bend mark in each upper
longeron is centered in the small notch on the fwd outboard edge of the F-816-L-1 & -R-1 Cockpit Rails.
Cleco the F-848-1 Upper Longeron Gussets to the fwd flange of the F-804C-FL and -FR Center Section Fwd
Bulkheads (Refer to Fwd Fuse Side Skins and Structure view, on DWG 67).
Cleco the left and right F-845-1 & F-846-1 Gussets to the fwd flange of the F-804C-FL and -FR Center Section
Fwd Bulkheads (See “Fwd Fuse Side Skins and Structure”, DWG 67).
Use two clamps, to clamp the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons flush to both webs of the WD-802-L-1 & -R-1
Engine Mount Brackets.
Clamp each F-848-1 Upper Longeron Gusset tightly against its associate F-887-L-1 or -R-1 Upper Longeron
Use clamps as needed on the remaining portion of the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons, to hold the fuselage
side skins top edge flush to the vertex of the upper longeron for drilling.
8s8PP-1 r1 06/23/11
Because of the thickness of some of the parts in the fuselage sub structure, and the presence of other parts with
holes that must be matched, use care to always be square to the skin surface when drilling.
Many of the fuselage bulkheads have small tabs that are common with rivet holes in the fuselage longerons. When
final-drilling these holes use a scrap piece of wood for a backup block to prevent the tabs from being pushed out of
RV-8 Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins through the F-843-L-1 & -R-1
Lower Longerons. The five fwd most holes will also be match-drilled to the WD-803-L-1 & -R-1 Engine Mount
Brackets. Start drilling at the fwd end of the lower longeron and work towards the back (See, DWG 67).
The fwd side skin is properly positioned relative to the lower longeron when the edge of the two tabs at
the bottom of the skin, are aligned with the vertex of the lower longeron.
RV-8 Only:
Position the F-844-L & -R Auxiliary Longerons so the previously drawn center lines are visible
through all the corresponding holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins.
RV-8 Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins that are common with the F-
844-L & -R Auxiliary Longerons. Match-Drill #40, the 3/32 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins com-
mon with the F-844-L & -R Auxiliary Longerons.
RV-8 Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins, that are common with the F-
887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons, and the WD-802-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Engine Mount Brackets.
RV-8 Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-801C-1 Upper Angle that are common with the F-887-L-1 & -
R-1 Upper Longerons, and the WD-802-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Engine Mount Brackets (DWG 67)
. NOTE: Be sure
to drill square to the top web of the F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons.
RV-8 Only:
Match-Drill #40, the 3/32 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins, which are common with the
F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons.
RV-8 Only:
Final-Drill #19, the 1/8 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins near the bottom of the L.G.
Box Assemblies, for structural screws as called out in “Detail B”, DWG 74.
RV-8 Only:
Final-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins not drilled in the previous
RV-8 Only:
Final-Drill #40, the 3/32 holes in the F-820-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins not drilled in the previous
RV-8A Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-891-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins through the F-843-L-1 & -R-
1 Lower Longerons. The five fwd most holes will also be match-drilled to the WD-803-L-1 & -R-1 Lower Engine
Mount Brackets. Start drilling at the fwd end of the lower longeron and work towards the back (See, DWG 67A
NOTE: The fwd side skin is properly positioned relative to the lower longeron when the edge of the two
tabs at the bottom of the skin, are aligned with the vertex of the lower longeron.
RV-8A Only:
Position the F-898-L & -R Auxiliary Longerons so the previously drawn center lines are visible
through all the corresponding holes in the F-891-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins.
RV-8A Only:
Match-Drill #40, the 3/32 holes in the F-891-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins common with the F-898-L
& -R Auxiliary Longerons. Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the fwd side skins that are common with the auxil-
iary longerons and WD-803-L-1 & -R-1 Engine Mount Brackets.
RV-8A Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-891-L-1 & -R-1 Fwd Side Skins, that are common with the
F-887-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Longerons, and the WD-802-L-1 & -R-1 Upper Engine Mount Brackets.
RV-8A Only:
Match-Drill #30, the 1/8 holes in the F-801C-1 Upper Angle, which are common with the F-887-L-