Maintenance Manual________________________________________________________________
34 __________________________________________________________________ M210886EN-G
Meteorological Processes
The ROA meteorological processes receive sensor data from SensorIO
Service and process it to generate final weather data. For examples, see the
following table.
Data Storing Processes
The ROA data storing processes receive data from the meteorological,
report, and alarm processes and deliver it to ASCII files. For examples, see
the following table.
External System Processes
The ROA external system processes both receive data from external
systems and deliver data to them. For examples, see the following table.
Table 7
Meteorological Processes
Process Name
Wind Service
Calculates wind values.
LLWAS Service
Calculates LLWAS alarms.
Table 8
Data Storing Processes
Process Name
ASCII Database Service
Saves data in the ASCII files.
Table 9
External System Services
Service Name
Host Computer Service
Delivers data to external systems through a
serial output.
Log Printer Service
Delivers data to Log Printer (optional).
TCP Message Service
Handles Configurable TCP/IP connections.
Alarm Interface Service
Alarm interface process, reports alarms in
the system to external monitoring systems.
External Interface Service
External interface process, delivers and
receives data to/from external systems.