Alarm list, ISOBUS/E-Control
0 Fault in connection of UI
and Gateway
Contact lost between iPad and Gateway. Check Wi-Fi connection.
1. Fault in connection of UI
and Gateway
Contact lost between iPad and Gateway. Check Wi-Fi connection.
2. CANBUS error
Gateway has lost contact with WS9.
Check the CANBUS cabling between Gateway and WS9.
3. Low 12 V supply
The tractor is supplying a voltage of less than 11 V. Gateway remains on, but certain
functions, such as electric motors and hydraulic valves, are switched off.
The generator is not charging.
4. Supply voltage for seed
motors too low
The seed drill’s battery/generator is supplying a voltage of less than 11 V. Gateway
remains on, but certain functions, such as electric motors and hydraulic valves, are
switched off.
The seed drill generator is not charging.
5. Supply voltage for
micro-granulate motors
too low
The seed drill’s battery/generator is supplying a voltage of less than 11 V. Gateway
remains on, but certain functions, such as electric motors and hydraulic valves, are
switched off.
The seed drill generator is not charging.
6. Supply voltage for
fertiliser motors too low
The seed drill’s battery/generator is supplying a voltage of less than 11 V. Gateway
remains on, but certain functions, such as electric motors and hydraulic valves, are
switched off.
The seed drill generator is not charging.
7. CAN timeout for seed
The time limit for CAN communication between Gateway and WS9 has expired.
Check that the motor outputs on WS9 are configured.
Check the cabling between Gateway and WS9.
8. CAN timeout for
The time limit for CAN communication between Gateway and WS9 has expired.
Check that the motor outputs on WS9 are configured.
Check the cabling between Gateway and WS9.
9. CAN timeout for micro-
The time limit for CAN communication between Gateway and WS9 has expired.
Check that the motor outputs on WS9 are configured.
Check the cabling between Gateway and WS9.
10. Seed motor voltage
WS9 is overloaded so the thermal overload protection has tripped.
The motor can be restarted as soon as the thermal protection has cooled.
Check the hub and the seed disc setting on the motor shaft; also check the feed and
clean if a blockage has occurred.
903075-en-gb; 07.06.2017