Working with Graphics
Use the graphics library to set up keying and placement for on-screen graphics.
To upload a graphics file:
1. Select Upload. The Upload Graphics box opens.
2. Select Choose Files and browse to the file(s). File type may be .png or .jpg.
To place the graphic on the canvas and work with it:
1. Select the View icon associated with the filename. Initially the image is placed at the top left corner of
the canvas (coordinates 0,0).
2. Drag the image to the desired location on the canvas, or enter the desired offset from top left.
3. Select the expand/collapse arrow associated with the filename to open the file information.
4. Select the desired mask type – alpha, luma, chroma, or opaque.
5. After making changes, save your work and select the up arrow to close the file information dialog box.
Chroma keying is expected to be supported in version 1.0.1 and subsequent firmware releases.
Integrator's Complete Guide to the AV Bridge MatrixMIX Multipurpose AV Switcher