AV Bridge Matrix Pro Manual - Document Number 342-0915 Rev C
Page 17 of 68
Operating the AV Bridge MATRIX PRO
Most of the console functions and controls are easy and intuitive, designed with an eye toward automated use.
Over the next few pages there are details on how the different functions operate.
The functions in this section are all available with the MATRIX PRO through the served website pages, viewable
via any Web Browser. This is a quick overview, more detailed explanations and screen User Interface pictures are
available in the software Screen Shot Tour later in the manual.
Camera Controls:
Pan, Tilt, Zoom, CCU shading, CCU painting as well as presets that store location and CCU settings
Wipes, Cut or Mix Transitions:
To set up the switcher to transition from the current input selected as the Program output to another input, select a
different video signal.
Select the type of effect (wipe, cut or mix) that the switcher will use to transition from one input to the other.
Changing Transition Speed:
Both the Mix and Wipe effects can be adjusted from .01 to 4 seconds, by adjusting the Transition Speed.
PIP Display:
To set up and display a Picture-In-Picture on the Streaming output, select the input that will be the “background” on
the Streaming bus. The three PIP modes available are Quarter Screen, 50/50 Split, and Quad Split. There is only
one PIP engine, and it appears on the Streaming bus. The Program buss may be configured to track (mirror the
functions of) the Streaming bus.