4.1.1 Decay Testing
Decay testing applies to testing using either pressure or vacuum.
The tester intelligently interprets when pressure or vacuum is
used and automatically adjusts readouts and graphs to give the
correct presentation.
Pressure Decay Testing
1. The part to be tested [TP] is attached to the test port and
the test is started.
2. Sprint iQ pressurizes the part with pressure [+P] to the
desired test pressure set by the pressure regulator [R1] by
opening valves [V1] and [V2] during the Fill step.
3. At the end of the Fill step, pressure is then trapped inside
the part as [V2] closes. After a slight delay, [V1] closes
allowing the line between [V1] and [V2] to be vented to
atmosphere through [V1]. This way, any leakage through
[V2] will typically cause the tester to see this leakage and
fail all tests. The extra valve allows for a fail-safe