Test Port
: The bulkhead fitting (or fittings) on Sprint iQ’s
front panel. The product to be tested is connected to the
test port. From the test port, Sprint iQ can supply positive
pressure or vacuum for a variety of leak and flow tests.
Customized Sprints could have multiple test ports. See
Test Pressure
: A positive value indicating the level of air
pressure used to inflate the product under test. Test
pressure is set by adjusting the air regulator on the back of
Sprint iQ. Test pressure can only be set if Sprint iQ has
supply air connected and the output port is blocked with a
leak-tight cap. This limitation can be overcome with an
electronic regulator. See Electronic Regulator
Test Vacuum
: A negative value indicating the level of
vacuum applied to the product under test.
: Sprint iQ uses microprocessor timers to establish
time intervals for a variety of test functions. Time values
are set in the parameters screen to control coupling time,
fill time, stabilization time, and test time. Timers are
calibrated in seconds. See Parameters Screen
Units of Measure
Sprint iQ can display pressure, flow, and
time in several user-selectable measurement units.
Changing units of measure if made through the Setup
Menu which is accessed from the initial Program Mode
: For purposes of this guide, the user is the person who
sets up and enters test parameters into the Sprint iQ. It is
the operator who handles the day-to-day product testing
with the Sprint iQ.
Vacuum Error
: A negative quantity indicating the magnitude
of the vacuum.