USA57 Revision
Example #4 (Set move and hold Current values, Wait for Switch 2 closure then Home to
Opto #1)
This breaks down to:
Is the start character. Lets Accuriss know that a command string will follow.
Is the device address, (this is preset at the factory).
Stores the command string that follows in storage location #0 (command strings
stored in storage location #0 are executed on power up).
Sets the move current to 75% of max
Sets the hold current to 10% of max
Start a loop block
Turns ON both driver outputs.
Wait 500 msec
Turn OFF both driver outputs.
Wait 500 msec
Will make all commands between here and starting location of the small “g”
repeat 10 times
Waits for a switch 2 closure. (Switch 2 is automatically selected since no number
was specified)
“Z10000” Home the stepping motor to opto #1. Maximum steps allowed to find opto #1 =
10000 steps.
“A1000” Move to absolute position 1000
Move to absolute position 0
Instructs Accuriss to run the command(s) that are in the communication buffer.
“<CR>” Tells Accuriss that the command string is complete and causes the command to
be executed since an R is included in the command string.
Note: This program string will abort after the “Z10000” command if it does not find a flag.