mond oil, 3 softened dried apricots,
250 ml milk or water
Backed apple smoothie
Wash and core 1 large apple, fill with
2 tbsp. raisons, 1 tbsp. ground hazel-
nuts, 1 tbsp. honey and 1 pinch Cin-
namon. Place the apple in an oven-
proof baking pan, bake in the oven
at 200°C, for approx. 20 minutes, let
cool. Mix baked apple with 2 tbsp.
cream, 1 tbsp. rum, 2 tbsp. mountain
cranberries and 200 ml milk.
Tip: Prepare several apples at the same
time and freeze them individually until
you need them.
Pulp of 1 ripe mango, 1 pinch carda-
mom, 150 g yogurt (10% fat), 5 ice
Tip: Instead of mango pulp, you can
also us 300 g strawberries, sour cher-
ries, etc.
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