VIRDI 4000 User Guide
Union Community CO., LTd. 44-3 Hyundai Topics Building 5, 6 floor, Bangi-dong,
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-050, Tel: 82-2-6488-3000, Fax: 82-2-6488-3099,
E-Mail:[email protected],
This can be 2~8 digits and shall be the same as the ID registered in the server
program. If the ID registered in the server program is ‘000075’, enter 6.
Special care is required when reducing the number of digits during normal
operation because an administrator may not be able to be authenticated when
he wants to enter menus due to the reduced number of digits.
Press [ENTER] to move to the next setting. Language settings
‘084265’ [ENTER]
0=KO 1=EN 2=JP
3=SP 4=CN
Default setting: ‘1’ (English)
Voice information languages follow these settings: ‘0’: Korean, ‘1’: English, ‘2’:
Japanese, ‘3’: Spanish, ‘4’: Chinese
‘0’ ~ ‘2’: LCD characters also correspond to the language.
‘3’ ~ ‘4’: LCD characters are in English.
Once the setting is complete, press [ENTER] to move to the upper menu.
3.8.6. Terminal initialization
In the main menu, press [6] to select “6. Device”, and then press [6] to select “6.
Initialize” and the following screen appears:
1. Init Config
2. Delete Log
3. Init Terminal
To initialize the settings, press [1].
To initialize the record, press [2].
To factory default settings, press [3]. Settings initialization
‘084265’ [ENTER]
<Init Config>
[ Y=1 / N=2 ] :
To initialize settings, press [1]. If not, press [2].
All the settings except Mac (physical) address are initialized, but the user and