VIRDI 4000 User Guide
Union Community CO., LTd. 44-3 Hyundai Topics Building 5, 6 floor, Bangi-dong,
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-050, Tel: 82-2-6488-3000, Fax: 82-2-6488-3099,
E-Mail:[email protected], 1:N identification level settings
‘084265’ [ENTER]
1:N Level
Default setting: ‘5’
This sets the identification level when authentication is performed without ID
An entered fingerprint is compared to all the fingerprints in the database for
which 1:N authentication is allowed.
For 1:N authentication, the identification level is not set for each user, so the
terminal authentication level is basically used.
Press [ENTER] to move to the next setting. Intelligent-Capture settings
Default setting: ‘1’
This adjusts the sensor settings automatically to enhance detection capability
regardless of residual fingerprints (fingerprints left on a sensor window due to
sweat or contaminants on a finger) or fingerprint humidity.
- If it is set to ‘0’, fingerprint authentication time is shorter, but the success rate is
lower for dry or wet fingerprints.
- If it is set to ‘1’, it takes about 0.5~1 sec. longer compared to when it is set to
‘0’, but the success rate is higher, so ‘1’ is recommended.
Once the setting is complete, press [ENTER] to move to the upper menu.
3.8.4. Wiegand output settings
‘084265’ [ENTER]
Wiegand Out:0
0=None 1=26bit
Default setting: ‘0’
When this is set to ‘1’, “Site code + user ID” is sent to the Wiegand port of the