VIRDI 4000 User Guide
Union Community CO., LTd. 44-3 Hyundai Topics Building 5, 6 floor, Bangi-dong,
Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea 138-050, Tel: 82-2-6488-3000, Fax: 82-2-6488-3099,
E-Mail:[email protected],
<Enable 1:N >
( N=0/Y=1 ) : 1
The default is ‘1’, but it shall be set to ‘1’ to
enable 1:N authentication.
If there are not many users or for the convenience of a specific user, a
fingerprint alone can be used for authentication, without ID.
For authentication without ID, it shall be set to ‘1’. For authentication with ID, it
shall be set to ‘0’.
Press [ENTER] to enter fingerprints.
<Add FP>
Input Your FP
You will hear a “ppiriririck” buzzer sound twice and a light on the fingerprint
sensor will turn on. Place a finger onto the fingerprint input window and wait for
2~3 sec. until the light turns off and the fingerprint is saved.
To enter a second fingerprint, remove the previous finger completely from the
window to improve the authentication rate.
If you hear a “ppiririck” buzzer sound, registration is successful. It returns to the
“1.Add” screen. If the fingerprint image is not so good or there is no input in the
window for 10 sec. after the fingerprint sensor light turned on, it returns to the “1.
Add” screen with a failure buzzer sound “ppibig”.
Repeat the above procedures 2~3 times by complying with the correct
fingerprint registration methods. If it eventually fails, it is recommended to use a
password for authentication. “2. ID&PW” registration
Password registration and password authentication for a user
Input PW [ENTER]
Input same PW [ENTER]
< Input PW>
PW : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Input password. Password should be 1~8
characters in length.
Press [ENTER] to input the password.
<Confirm PW >
PW : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Input the same password once more for