TD 92930EN
13 December 2013 /Ver B
Configuration Manual
WL3 and WL3 Plus WLAN Handset
4. Installation of WLAN Handsets
Create a Network Template in the Device Manager in the
Create one template that contains the network parameters (also include the security
settings). Besides the network parameters, additional parameters can also be set, for
example VoIP settings and IP address to WSG.
The template must be created, and applied, to prevent the
from restoring
the parameters to default during the first synchronization.
NOTE: (ED): If using Easy Deployment, the IP-address to the Device manager in the
template, can either be set, or left blank, in which case the server discovery
process is used at every startup, see
C.3 WSG server discovery
on page 91.
NOTE: Only select the parameters that are modified, if all parameters are selected, the
system performance decreases.
Open a web browser and enter the IP address or NetBIOS name to the WSG.
TIP: Be sure to configure all needed parameters for 802.1x security, but installing
Server and/or Client Certificate can not be done using a template. This must be
done individually on each Number, see
Client certificate
on page 103.
Click “Device Manager“. You might be prompted to log on the Device Manager.
Select the Templates tab and click “New“. The New template window is opened.
In the Device type and Parameter version drop-down lists, select the
corresponding device type and parameter version to use, respectively.
In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the template.
Click “OK“.
Set the following network parameters:
Network settings
(located under Network > Network A, B, C, or D)
VoIP settings
(located under VoIP)
Syslog settings
(if any) (located under Device > General)
WSG settings
(located under Device > WSG)
Click “OK“ to save the template.
TIP: See
Appendix A
for tip on how to work with templates when using both WinPDM
and WSG.
Create a Common Template in the Device Manager in the
Create another template with the common handset settings applicable to all handsets
(exclude the parameters and security settings configured in the Network template).
This template contains for example, hidden menu items in the display, certain level of
ring signals and vibrators.
NOTE: Only select the parameters that are modified, if all parameters are selected, the
system performance decreases.
Open a web browser and enter the IP address or NetBIOS name to the WSG.
Click “Device Manager“.
1. All required system settings for the WLAN. For example SSID and Security mode. If using a security mode that
requires certificates, also use an NTP server, to assure the correct time in the handset, as certificates only are valid within
a certain time.
2. For example VoIP protocol, Gatekeeper IP address or SIP proxy IP address used to access the PBX.
3. The parameter “Syslog“ must be enabled in order to set the “Syslog IP address“.
4. IP address and password (if any) to the WSG.