TD 92930EN
13 December 2013 /Ver B
Configuration Manual
WL3 and WL3 Plus WLAN Handset
Appendix C: Easy Deployment
Root certificate
Upload at least one “Self-signed certificate” and up to three “Intermediate certificates”,
which are used to establish the trust chain of the server certificate. The commonly
understood name of these certificate types is “Root certificate”. Perform the steps of
association of the root certificates as described below.
TIP: Information about certificates is described in the WSG Installation and Operation
Manual (and also in the WinPDM Installation and Operation Manual), see .
11. Related
on page 79
Associate root/client certificates:
In the Numbers tab, right-click the handset’s number and select “Manage
certificates“. A Manage certificate window opens.
In the Root tab and Client tab, click “Browse“ and select the certificates to import.
Click “Close“.
Select required client certificate:
In the Numbers tab, right-click the handset’s number and select “Edit
Select “Network X“ (X represents A, B, C, or D).
In the Security mode drop-down list, select “EAP-TLS“.
In the EAP client certificate drop-down list, select the client certificate to be used.
Click “OK“.
Troubleshooting Easy Deployment in an MS 2003/2008 DHCP Server
If you, by mistake, create a predefined DCHP option, and want to remove it, the server
sometimes denies this operation (even if you have created the DHCP option). This is
indicated by a grey Delete button. In such case, open a command prompt and use the
“netsh” command as follows:
netsh dhcp server \\servername delete optiondef xx
where xx is the option number.