Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
75 / 156
:WAVeform:MODE {NORMal | RAW}
Functional description
NORMal: Read the current waveform data, the count of waveform data is fixed count.
RAW: Read the waveform data from internal storage, the count of waveform data is related to storage
Note: This instruction resets the start, cut-off and waveform point. Data in internal storage can be read
only the oscilloscope in stop status. This instruction is invalid in MATH channel.
Return format
Query returns {NORMal | RAW}.
For example
Set the read mode of waveform data to RAW.
Query returns RAW.
Command format
:WAVeform:FORMat { WORD |
Functional description
The default waveform data format is AD waveform point data
BYTE: Return AD data, a waveform data takes a byte
that is 8 bits
WORD: Return AD data, a waveform data takes two bytes
that is 16 bits
, low 8 bits is valid, high 8 bits is
ASCII: Return waveform returns the actual voltage value of each waveform point in scientific notation, and
each voltage value is separated by commas. It is conform with Appendix 2
IEEE 488.2 binary data format.
For example #412342.01,2.01, 2.01..........\n.
Return format
Query returns { WORD |
For example
Return format of waveform AD data is single byte mode.
Query returns BYT.
Command format
:WAVeform:STARt <start>
Functional description
This command is used to set or query the start position of waveform data reading, <start> integer data type.
NORMal: 1~1400.
RAW: 1 to the maximum storage depth point.
Return format
Query returns the start position.
For example