Programming Manual MSO/UPO2000 Series
85 / 156
Command format
:SBUS:RS232:STOP:BIT {1 | 2 }
Functional description
This command is used to set RS232 bus stop bit of the oscilloscope.
Return format
Query returns {1 | 2 }.
For example
Set RS232 stop bit to 6.
Query returns 6.
Command format
:SBUS:RS232:DATA <value>
Functional description
This command is used to set RS232 bus trigger data of the oscilloscope. Binary character data presented
by parameter 0 or 1, its range is related to the value set by instruction :SBUS:RS232:DATA:BIT, which is
[0~2^databit – 1].
Return format
Query returns binary data format.
For example
:SBUS:RS232:DATA "01111111"
Set Set RS232 bus data to 0x7F.
Query returns 01111111.
Command format
:SBUS:RS232:QUALifier {BEGFrame | ERRFrame | ECCError | DATA}
Functional description
This command is used to set RS232 bus trigger condition of the oscilloscope.
Return format
Query returns {BEGFrame|ERRFrame|ECCError|DATA}
For example
Set RS232 bus condition to ERRFrame.
Query returns ERRFrame.